Consistent with its efforts to encourage federal contractors to consider functional affirmative action plans (FAAPs) as an alternative to establishment AAPs, OFCCP last week issued a bulletin stating it is open for FAAP business.  Because FAAPs require OFCCP approval and updating, OFCCP does not want current circumstances to deter contractors from FAAPs.

In an effort to streamline FAAP processes, OFCCP says,

  • For FAAP contractors, and contractors interested in entering into FAAP agreements, it is available to meet by phone, WebEx, and Skype.
  • All requests for agreement modifications, new application requests, updates, and certifications of FAAP agreements will be emailed for review and electronic signature.
  • Finalized agreements will be signed by the Director and returned to the contractor electronically.

OFCCP encourages contractors with FAAP questions to reach out to OFCCP’s FAAP unit at