As more counties move toward the Orange Tier on the state reopening guidance, businesses can reopen or operate under less restrictive requirements. This may mean employers need more employees than in the last several months. Though last year, the Governor vetoed a statewide right of recall requirement, several cities still have ordinances in

Connie L. Chen
Based in the Los Angeles office of Jackson Lewis P.C., Connie L. Chen stands out as a principal dedicated to the nuances of employment-related litigation. In both state and federal courts, as well as in arbitration, Connie champions the interests of employers, ensuring they receive astute legal representation.
Connie's legal portfolio of experience encompasses both single plaintiff and class and representative action cases. She proficiently manages a diverse range of claims, from wage and hour to wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Her expertise stretches across multiple industries, including but not limited to hospitality, retail, health care, manufacturing, and transportation. Whether she is aiding a nonprofit or a major hotel chain, her dedication to her clients and their interests remains unwavering.
City of Los Angeles Enacts COVID-19 Related Worker Retention and Right of Recall Ordinances
The City of Los Angeles has enacted two Ordinances requiring fair employment practices in response to job and economic insecurity due to COVID-19 related shelter in place orders. The Ordinances, which go into effect on June 14, 2020, apply to four categories of businesses and employers which the City found have been especially impacted by…