In this issue of the Class Action Trends Report, Jackson Lewis attorneys look back at class action developments in 2021, including COVID-19 vaccine mandate litigation, significant procedural decisions, wage and hour suits, and the continuing rise of cases brought under the California Private Attorneys General Act and Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, among other litigation
Jody Kahn Mason
Jody Kahn Mason is a Principal in the Chicago, Illinois, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. and is a contributor to the Disability, Leave & Health Management Blog. She is an experienced employment law litigator and defends employers before federal and state courts and administrative agencies throughout the Midwest. She also regularly provides advice and counsel to clients regarding challenges relating to the implementation of the ADA, FMLA, and similar state and local laws.
Learn more about Ms. Mason on the Jackson Lewis website.
City of Baltimore May Criminalize the Use of Facial Recognition Technologies by Businesses
The Baltimore City Council recently passed an ordinance, in a vote of 13-2, barring the use of facial recognition technology by city residents, businesses, and most of the city government (excluding the city police department) until December 2022. Council Bill 21-0001 prohibits persons from “obtaining, retaining, accessing, or using certain face surveillance technology or any…
Chicago City Council Passes COVID-19 Anti-Retaliation Ordinance
Chicago’s City Council has passed an ordinance to protect employees from retaliation by their employers if they obey public health orders or orders of a healthcare provider to stay at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ordinance was passed by the City Council on May 20, 2020. Read more.