A flurry of employment law-related bills are headed to Governor Newsom for consideration, however, no bills are being presented related to statewide supplemental paid sick leave. In March 2021, California resurrected and expanded statewide COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave.  The legislation sunsets on September 30, 2021, and there is no legislation pending to extend it.

While the leave entitlement could be extended by the Governor by an Executive Order, there has been no indication from the Governor’s office that an order is planned.

Pursuant to the terms of the legislation, after September 30th, the requirement to provide supplemental paid sick leave will end.  However, if a covered employee is taking supplemental paid sick leave at that time, the employee can finish taking the amount of leave they are entitled to receive.

Some local supplemental paid sick leave requirements will remain in effect beyond September 30, 2021, such as the City of Los Angeles and the City of Long Beach. Employers should review local sick leave requirements to ensure compliance as the state legislation expires.

Jackson Lewis continues to track COVID-19 legislation affecting employers. If you have questions about supplemental paid sick leave requirements or related issues, contact a Jackson Lewis attorney to discuss.