As the OSHA COVID ETS saga continues to unfold, several union groups have filed a motion. Read more.
Labor Relations
California Labor Commissioner Issues Guidance for Statewide Right of Recall
Several months after Governor Newsom signed into law a statewide right of recall statute affecting the hospitality industry and building services, the Labor Commissioner’s office finally issued a Frequently Asked Questions page.
The FAQs clarify that an acceptance by an employee of an offer must be delivered to the employer within 5 business days,…
California’s Labor Commissioner Issues Required Poster and FAQ Regarding New COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
On the anniversary of California’s statewide shelter-in-place orders, Governor Newsom signed legislation bringing back the statewide COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.
The new statute requires employers to display a required poster issued by the California Labor Commissioner and which the Labor Commissioner issued on March 22, 2021. Like prior required posters, the notice includes…
One Year Later: Five Post-COVID-19 Considerations For Healthcare Employers
Most healthcare employers have been dealing with COVID-19 for a year now. With vaccines widely available for this workforce, we offer five considerations for healthcare employers as they move toward a post-pandemic environment.
- Will COVID-19 vaccinations become an annual event?
For years many healthcare providers have required employees to get a flu shot. Are we…
Major League Soccer To Exercise Force Majeure Clause To Reopen Negotiations With Its Players To Address COVID-19 Financial Realities
Major League Soccer (MLS) has informed the MLS Players Association that it intends to exercise the force majeure clause that was recently added to the parties’ collective bargaining agreement (CBA) to negotiate additional contract modifications in good faith for 30 days. If a new agreement is not reached during the 30 day period, the league…
Labor Board Provides Guidance on Propriety of Mail or Manual Ballot Elections
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has established standards for its regional directors to weigh in on whether a representation election in which COVID-19 is a concern should be conducted by mail ballot or in-person (manual) ballot. Aspirus Keweenaw, 370 NLRB No. 45 (2020).
Chairman John F. Ring and Members Marvin E. Kaplan and…
USDOL Office of Inspector General Reports Rise in OSHA Whistleblower Claims During COVID-19 Pandemic
On August 14, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General (“OIG”)—the Department’s watchdog—released a report finding that the COVID-19 global pandemic has significantly increased the number of whistleblower complaints received by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”). OSHA’s Whistleblower Program enforces 23 statutes that prohibit employers from retaliating against employees…
Class Action Trends Report Summer 2020
Employers continue to grapple with an ongoing, unprecedented public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its after-effects, which have profoundly disrupted the nation’s economy and U.S. workplaces. In this issue, attorneys in the Class Actions & Complex Litigation Practice Group discuss the most pressing workplace class action litigation risks arising from the COVID-19…
NLRB Employees Union to NLRB: Rescind Manual Election Guidelines
The National Labor Relations Board Union (NLRBU), which represents the employees of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), wants NLRB General Counsel (GC) Peter Robb to rescind his guidelines about how to conduct representation elections in-person during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The alternative is to conduct such elections by mail ballot. Most NLRB elections during the…
NLRB General Counsel Issues Guidelines for In-Person Elections During COVID-19 Pandemic
In an effort increase the use of the in-person or manual ballot method for conducting secret ballot elections, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) General Counsel (GC) has issued comprehensive “suggestions” for conducting manual elections safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Memorandum GC 20-10 “Suggested Manual Election Protocols” (July 6, 2020). These guidelines were…